来源:新华网 作者:佚名
王怀庆《清代二美图NO.1》 版画作品精彩纷呈,耳目一新 丝网版画(Silk-screen Printing/serigraphy)是国际美术界公认的重要的当代艺术种类之一,在美术殿堂中与油画、水墨、雕塑等相映生辉。其具有的复数性和时代性的特点,受到了参展艺术家的欢迎和支持,其形式在各种艺术展览活动中独树一帜。展览将展出名家丝网版画29幅,包括吴冠中特意为奥运创作的主题作品《地火》、《鸟巢》;罗尔纯充满个性的作品《蓝衣妇女》、《冷与暖》;詹建俊展现祖国山河宏景的作品《回望》,李付元创作的奥运主题作品《摔跤》,王怀庆的作品《清代二美图》,钟蜀珩的作品《圣诞卡》,以及罗中立的乡土特色《灯光》、《巴山农家》等。 参展作品精彩纷呈,耳目一新。近年来,随着美术创作中版画艺术的崛起和国际文化交往的日益频繁,丝网版画以其独特的艺术语言和特有的时代特征,被越来越多的艺术家所运用,而其流通便捷、现代时尚的特点,使艺术爱好者和收藏家有更多的机会与大师级艺术家的艺术作品结缘,使"艺术走进家庭"的愿望得以实现。
图片说明:王怀庆的作品《清代二美图NO.1》引起观众的兴趣。 奥运期间的重要展览,海峡两岸多个城市巡回展出 本次展览由北京市青联发起,经过北京第29届奥林匹克运动会组织委员会批准,由第六届北京奥林匹克文化节艺术2008(ART2008)版画展组委会主办,百雅轩文化艺术机构、北京桐亿国际文化艺术交流有限公司共同承办。首展在北京798艺术区举办。798作为国内重点文化创意产业区,是人文奥运重点展示项目,据悉在奥运期间,有数十个特别参观团将光临798艺术区,观赏这一艺术盛宴。 "版画盛典-为奥运喝彩艺术展"还将在走进台北,在2008年8月8日与奥运会开幕的当天隆重展出,传递奥运精神,沟通两岸情感。此外,组委会经过精心组织,上海、广州、深圳、成都、济南、南宁等多个城市将在奥运会举办期间先后巡回展出。 让中国当代艺术为人文奥运增光彩 本次展览生动地诠释出第六届"北京2008"奥林匹克文化节的精神与理念。所展出的丝网版画作品,不仅是中西文化交流与融合的见证,其中一部分作品,将作为特别礼物,馈赠各国嘉宾。 本次展览希望以艺术为北京2008奥运增色添彩,希望为人文奥运工程尽一份力量,并表达良好祝愿,对于发展繁荣文化艺术有着积极的推动作用。 2008年北京奥运会是中华民族的长年企盼,是一个民族再次崛起并被世界肯定和认同的具体表现。在这个全球瞩目的盛会中,多元的中国文化应该被更广泛地传播与交流。 本次展览所有丝网版画作品由艺术家委托百雅轩版画院制作。展览得到了798艺术区管理委员会和来自法国的美术专业纸制造商康颂(KANSON)的支持。
吴冠中《地火》 参展艺术家简介 A brief introduction of the artists 1吴冠中 Wu Guanzhong 1919年生于江苏宜兴。笔名"荼",中国当代著名画家、美术教育家、散文家,清华大学美术学院教授。吴冠中终生致力于油画民族化与国画现代化的不断探索与创新,创作了大量的绘画艺术珍品。他在当代美术史上占据重要地位,是一位深受人民尊敬的艺术家。 Born in Yixing, Jiang Su Province. Known by the pen name Tu, he has become well-known as a Chinese contemporary painter and art educator as well as a writer of prose. At present he is a member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Political Consultative Conference and also works as a professor at the Tsinghua University Academy of Arts and Design. Mr. Wu has been constantly concentrating on the exploration and innovation of the nationalization of oil paintings and the modernization of the traditional Chinese style of painting. He has created a great number of paintings. He is a renowned artist who occupies an important position in contemporary art history. He is deeply respected by the people. 2罗尔纯 Luo Erchun 1930年生于湖南湘乡。中国当代著名画家,中央美术学院教授,20世纪中国画坛第三代油画家中卓有成就的艺术家。罗尔纯于1946年考入苏州美专,师从颜文樑先生,从艺生涯60余年。他博采各派艺术之长,以奔突异样的色彩、自然变形的对象、夸张的构图形成了自己独特的艺术风格。其作品透露出浓郁的生活气息和强大的生命张力。 Born in Xiangxiang, Hunan Province, in 1930. He is a well-known Chinese contemporary painter and also a professor at the Central Institute of Fine Arts. He ranks high among the third generation painters in the field of Chinese oil painting for his great achievements. Mr Luo was admitted to Suzhou Fine Arts College and studied under Master Yan Wenliang. Up to now he has been engaged in art for sixty years. Having adopted traits from various genres, he creates his own unique style of art using bold, prominent and peculiar colors, with naturally transmutative objects and also with exaggerated picture compositions. His works present a strong atmosphere of daily life, sparks and inspirations from thinking and strain of life. 3詹建俊 Zhan Jianjun 1931年生于辽宁盖县。中国当代著名画家。现任中央美术学院教授、博士生导师、学术委员会顾问及中国油画学会主席、中国美术家协会顾问、欧洲人文艺术科学院客座院士。作为中国油画艺术领域的组织者和带头人,詹建俊多年来一直担任全国油画艺术的学术工作,领导主持了全国多项油画艺术的展览、交流与研究活动,并担任重大美术展览油画作品的评选、评奖负责人,为新时期中国油画艺术的发展做出了突出贡献。 Born in Gai County, Liaoning Province in 1931. He is a well-known Chinese contemporary painter. At present he works as a professor at the Central Institute of Fine Arts, mentor of a doctor, as an adviser to the academic committee as well as holding the position of chairman of the Chinese Oil Painting Academy and also acting as adviser to the Chinese Fine Arts Artists Association. He is a visiting academician at the European Human Culture and Art Academy of Sciences. For 20 years Zhan Jianjun has taken on a leading role in the development of the academic research development of Chinese oil painting. As one organizer and leader in the field of Chinese oil painting, he has taken charge of many national activities related to exhibition, exchange and research of oil painting. In addition, he is in charge of the awards commitees at several important fine arts exhibitions of oil painting works. He has made outstanding contributions to the development of Chinese oil painting in its new era.